Week 7:  16 October to 20 October 2023

16 October 2023:

In Class:  Veritassium:  Entropy.

Expectations:  Students will be able to decscribe entropy in other terms than amount of disorder.

17 October 2023:

In Class:  Vapor pressure and Table H.  (Chapter 1:20 to 1:21)

Expectations:  Students will be able to read vapor pressure tables and report the pressure for a given temperature.

Particle Diagrams.  (Chapter 1:4 to 1:5)
Do the Particle Model Substances and Mixtures Worksheet.

Here is the Particle Model Substances and Mixtures Answer Key.

If time permits, work on the More Particle Modeling Worksheet.

Expectations:  Students will be able to draw particle diagrams for solids, liquids, gases, elements, compounds, and mixtures.

Homework:  Finish the More Particle Modeling Worksheet.
Here is the More Particle Modeling Answer Key to help you.

Due:  The Gas Laws Worksheet.

Homework:  Finish the Vapor Pressure Worksheet and here is the Vapor Pressure Answer Key to help you.

18 October 2023:

No Class:  Chemistry does not meet on Wednesday.

19 October 2023:

Lab 6:
Complete data collection and discuss questions for the Tirrill Burner Lab.

Expectations:  Students will be able to explain direct and indirect measurements and how they relate to science.

Due:  The Vapor Pressure Worksheet, Particle Model Substances and Mixtures Worksheet, and the
More Particle Modeling Worksheet.

Homework:  Finish the Tirrill Burner Lab report.

20 October 2023:

In Class:  Review the October Practice Exam.  Here is the October Practice Exam Key to help you.

Expectations:  Students are preparing for the Unit 1 Exam.

Due:  The Tirrill Burner Lab report.

Note:  1st quarter ends 9 November 2023.