Week 34:  13 May to 17 May 2024

13 May 2024:

In Class:  Topic 14:  Section 2 – Factors of Landscape Development.  (Review Book 305-309).

Expectations:  Students will be able to identify factors that cause certain landscapes.

Homework:  Review Questions pages 309-310 (7-18)

14 May 2024:

In Class:  Topic 14:  Section 3 – Bedrock.  (Review Book 311-313).

Expectations:  Students will be able to identify bedrock factors that cause certain landscapes.

Due:  Review Questions pages 309-310 (7-18)

Homework:  Review Questions pages 313-314 (19-25)

15 May 2024:

No Class:  Earth Science does not meet on Wednesday.

16 May 2024:

In Class:  Topic 14:  Section 4 – People, Environmental Change, and Landscapes.  (Review Book 315-317).

Expectations:  Students will be able to explain how landscapes affect people and vice versa.

  Finish the June 2021 practice regents exam in your workbooks.

Expectations:  Students are preparing for their final exam.

Due:  Review Questions pages 313-314 (19-25)

Homework:  Review Questions page 317 (26-30)

17 May 2024:

In Class:  Review parts A and B1 of the June 2021 practice regents exam in your workbooks.
Begin parts B2 and C of the June 2021 practice regents exam in your workbooks.

Expectations:  Students are preparing for their final exam.

Homework:  Do the January 2020 practice regents exam in your workbooks

Note:  Final Exams:  June 10-13, 2024.
  Earth Science Final Exam Monday 10 June 9:15 a.m.