Week 31:  15 April to 19 April 2024

15 April 2024:

In Class:  Topic 12:  Practice Questions (1-48).  (Review Book 271-276).

Expectations:  Students are preparing for a test on Topic 12.

Due:  Review Book pages 267-270 (42-68)

Homework:  Practice Questions pages 271-276 (1-48)

16 April 2024:

In Class:  Topic 12:  Topic 12 Practice Exam.

Expectations:  Students are preparing for a test on Topic 12.

Due:  Practice Questions pages 271-276 (1-48)

Homework:  Finish the Topic 12 Practice Exam.

17 April 2024:

No Class:  Earth Science does not meet on Wednesday.

18 April 2024:

Lab #24:  Finish the Correlating Rock Layers Lab.

Expectations:  Students will be able to correlate rock layers using index layers.

19 April 2024:

In Class:  Topic 12:  Answer any student questions on the Practice Questions pages 271-276 (1-48)
  and the Topic 12 Practice Exam.

Expectations:  Students are preparing for a test on Topic 12.

Due:  Topic 12 Practice Exam and Lab #24:  Correlating Rock Layers Lab.

Homework:  Study for the Topic 12 Exam which will be combined with Topic 13.

Note:  Blue and Gold Day, May 31, 2024.  Final Exams:  June 10-13, 2024.