Week 29: 1 April to 5 April 2024
1 March 2024:
No Class: Easter Break.
2 April 2024:
In Class: Topic 12: Section 2 – Tsunamis and Volcanoes. (Review Book 251).
Expectations: Students will be able to explain the cause of a tsunami and students will be able to
mark volcanic sites given plates from PS/ESRT.
Homework: Review Book pages 253-255 (9-28)
3 April 2024:
No Class: Earth Science does not meet on Wednesday.
4 April 2024:
No Class: Class Retreat.
5 April 2024:
In Class: Topic 12: Section 3 – Earth's Interior. (Review Book 255-258).
Expectations: Students will be able to list the parts of Earth's interior and explain how we know about them.
Due: Review Book pages 253-255 (9-28)
Homework: Review Book pages 258-259 (29-41)
Note: Blue and Gold Day, May 31, 2024. Final Exams: June 10-13, 2024.