Week 6:  9 October to 13 October 2023

9 October 2023:

No Class:  Columbus Day holiday.

10 October 2023:

In Class:  Earth in the Universe.  (Review Book pages 38-40)

Expectations:  Students will be able to use the Doppler effect to explain red-shift evidence for the Big Bang theory.

Homework:  Review Book page 40 (1-6) and the Drawing Contours Worksheet.
Here is the Drawing Contours Answer Key to help you.

11 October 2023:

No Class:  Earth Science does not meet on Wednesday.

12 October 2023:

Lab 5:
Complete the Mapping Contours Lab.

Expectations:  Students will be able to draw contours on and profiles from a field map.

13 October 2023:

In Class:  Structure of the Universe.  (Review Book pages 40-44)

Expectations:  Students will be able to identify the types of celestial objects on an H-R diagram.

Due:  Review Book page 40 (1-6) and Test corrections (Topics 1 & 2 Exam).

Homework:  Review Book pages 44-45 (7-23).

Note:  1st quarter ends 9 November 2023.