Week 20:  22 January to 26 January 2024

22 January 2024:

In Class:  Machines in the Human Body.

Expectations:  Students will be able to identify the type of machine when given a body part example.

Due:  Workbook pages 139-142 (1-25).

Homework:  Section 4 Review Questions page 402 (1-4).

23 January 2024:

In Class:  Machines in the Human Body.  (Workbook pages 143-146)

Expectations:  Students will be able to and solve problems given the equation for mechanical advantage for each type of simple machine.

Due:  Section 4 Review Questions page 402 (1-4).

Homework:  Workbook pages 143-146 (1-6, WordWise, 1-12).

24 January 2024:

No Class:  Science 8 does not meet Wednesday.

25 January 2021:

Lab 13:
Meterstick Seesaw Lab.

Expectations:  Students will determine the relationships between force, distance, and work in a simple machine.

Homework:  Finish the Meterstick Seesaw Lab report.

26 January 2021:

In Class:  Chapter 12 Assessment pages 404-405 (1-28).

Expectations:  Students are preparing for the Chapter 12 Exam.

Due:  The Meterstick Seesaw Lab report.

Homework:  Finish the Chapter 12 Assessment pages 404-405 (1-28).

Note:  2nd quarter ends 26 January 2024.